Individual dance therapy &

'to be heard, to be seen and to be understood for who we are is one of our most fundamental human needs'
Individual coaching can help children who struggle with
(amongst others):
Emotional outbursts
Expressing and talking about their emotions
Shyness or avoiding new situations due to insecurity or low self-esteem
Making and keeping friends
Concentration and focus
A change in their lives e.g. a birth, death, divorce, or move
Saying 'no' and end up in situations which make them unhappy/uncomfortable
Every child is unique and will have their own path in life. Sometimes a child needs some extra attention and support to understand, or deal with, certain situations.
Individual coaching supports children to become more aware of what they are experiencing, and to explore and develop tools which can help them navigate through life.

In our sessions, we get our bodies into motion.
Movement can be anything from the way our heart beats, to our posture to the way we touch and hold ourselves and each other. We move, we play, we express ourselves and we communicate using our body, offering an alternative way to share something that might be difficult to talk about.
Children get to discover new ways of expressing themselves, new ways of coping and interacting with other people and release frustrations. We listen to their words as well as observing their movement and help them to understand and integrate their emotions and their experiences.
We aim to keep our sessions positive, playful and creative. We use different materials and props, music and imagination to support our movement oriented approach.
Practical Information
First we have an intake with the parent(s) and the child. This allows us to hear about the current situation and gives you a chance to share your story, worries and needs. Together, we formulate the goals and wishes for the coaching. The intake can take place at home or at another location.
The number of individual sessions will vary and we will discuss together. On average it ranges between 5 and 15 sessions.
We believe it is important for parents to be involved in the process and we value your input. We keep you up to date, give tips on how to integrate what we are working on in sessions at home, and have regular evaluations together. We are always available to answer your questions or concerns.
Location: we try to arrange a location which suits you.
Price: €70 per session (45-60min)
*It is always possible to have an introductory chat or call for free.
To discuss individual coaching possibilities for your child contact us here!